Sunday, January 10, 2010

It's a New Year 2010

Well another year has gone by and both Janey Mac and Uly are getting older.  Not always more mature on  Janey's part but bigger.  That's for sure.  The brain fairy is still only visiting instead of staying permantly and she's a bit of a bruiser.  Tough girl who's not really aware of her strength most times.  She's also becoming a teenager / adult who definitely does not like to be challenged.  She never starts a fight but can certainly finish one.  I'll have to take some new photos of the upstart who has now not allowed to come with me to the leash-free dog park anymore since she was not amused over a little terrier growling at her and decided to clean house not once but twice.  It took 3 of us to pull her off the terrified female dog who might want to reconsider picking fights with dogs a hundred pounds heavier than her.  I had actually sat on Janey holding her by the tail while George was trying to put her leash back on and she walked towards the dog with me holding on for dear life.  Another man (thank-you) who ever you are by adding some extra weight and holding her back end for me.  She could have killed the other dog instantly but thankfully she was only out to teach it a harsh lesson about messing with her.  Unfortunately it started to squeal like a rabbit, mouse whatever and her prey drive kicked in.  Holy $#!$#@@ was she determined to just "go to town" on this poor terrier.  Thankfully no physical marks on the dog but for sure it will need a life time of psycho therapy and is probably having nightmares of flying werewolves attacking it.  Well what can we say.  While she was fighting Uly was busy eating a tennis ball he took from the dog park.  He managed to consume half of it while the fight was attended to and threw up the rest of it that night on his dog bed for me to have to wash the next day.  At least for now all walks will be on lead and no more dog parks for a while.  I really don't want to have to go out and buy a muzzle for Miss Tough B if I don't have too.  She can happily run around our back yard and terrorize poor Uly. 

Here she is skulking around the livingroom with her spooky werewolf eyes.  Of course she's a total coward with humans and a real sensitive marshmellow.