Saturday, November 21, 2009

Wolfberger videos on

You tube - Dublingjaneymac channel.  There are quite a few short videos of Janey-Mac Fly and Ulysses.  Below is a picture of Janey-Mac doing what she does best -- getting comfortable.


  1. oh, she is just sweet. i am off to watch the videos!

  2. OMG!!!!! i love Janey MAc so much!!! what a personality!

  3. Hi there,

    Janey-Mac is darling. I love the head shot you got. Where in Canada are you? It looks like you have more snow than we do here in Northern Utah. I can totally sympathize with the paw prints on the glass. Us too!

  4. Hello Nanci - Happy New Year to all down south of us in Utah. LOL - We are in Southern Ontario, Canada and this year we've had quite the cold blast of winter but not alot of snow. PHEW!!! Hate shovelling the driveway. It's brutal. I dogwalk so I'm outside and this year spent a small fortune on some super artic boots, hats, gloves and coat. Well worth the money.

    the wolfbergers
